Thursday, August 6, 2009

I take you, with all your faults and your strengths...

Last Sunday evening, we were on the roads when suddenly I spotted a huge long vehicle which turns out to be a Hummer Limousine. To some extent it made our Disco 3 look like a lizard who'd just lost its' tail.

(oops..bad pic. Moving car and gotta capture it quick)

So at one point we were travelling right next to it and as it turns out, inside were a bunch of girls (presumably) celebrating a bachelorette a Hummer Limo no less ;)

How classy! How chic! With that 'magician themed' hat and wand outfit!
Loved the way the girls chose to do it in such style.

What about the boys? Typically, buddies of the groom-to-be will turn him into a drag queen for a day and guarantee him (or perhaps themselves?) an 'awful' good time. The poor guy will be made to parade all around town usually in FULL drag costume complete with bad make up and wig, while the buddies will hang around him creating some ruckus to attract attention.

I've seen one made to dance in the middle of a busy road during a red light. I've seen another being put on a skateboard and pushed down a slope. One walked straight into a bar and harassed all the men, scaring the hell out of them. And another apparently chubby guy, squeezed into a Spiderman suit which he could barely even zip up! He must have noticed me controlling my grin and he started to mimic some spidey movements and almost crawled onto our car until he noticed how dirty the bonnet was...this one made me laughed til I teared.

(Sorry! No pics! In times like these I'm usually too amused or tickled to capture the moment on camera. Perhaps I'm still very much of an extranjero!)

For just that day, a groom-to-be will have to suffer his fate cooperatively (actually I really believe they are enjoying it), while in his mind scheming a revenge on his single friends one day...

Anyhow, to all the happy Spanish couples tying the knot, ¡felicidades!

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