Thursday, May 19, 2011

Bragança, Portugal

After exploring the city of Zamora, my original plan was to check out Lago de Sanabria - a lake located within a natural park northwest of the Zamora province. However due to bad weather, we decided to skip that and headed across the border into Portugal to a town called Bragança.

Bragança appears to be an ancient and somewhat remote town with a 12th century castle still standing. Its history apparently dates back to the Iron Age, when Celtic tribes were commonly known to hew sculptures of boars out of granite (purpose unknown). Some of these sculptures still exist in the town.

As the bad weather persisted (plus there really isn’t a lot to see here), I left Bragança after taking a few shots. Here’s some of what I took. I just love the little picturesque lanes lined with houses on each side!

Above: A charming street leading up to the Castle.

Above: Architectural details on a building.

Above: The Castle of Bragança.

Here's one more of those quaint little lanes...

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